Red indicates cancelation due to political unrest.
12/29/19 | 1/5/19 | Furcy | Water | Gary Weaver | 8 |
01/03/19 | 1/13/19 | Jeremie | Medical | Hal Crowswell | 5 |
01/04/19 | 1/11/19 | Carrenage | Water | Bob Ford | 10 |
01/05/19 | 1/12/19 | Petionville | Various | Tim Traxler | 7 |
01/06/19 | 1/13/19 | Petionville | Water/Education | Trista | |
01/06/19 | 1/12/19 | Mellier | Water/Construction | Richard Charette | 6 |
01/14/19 | 1/22/19 | Olivier | Construction | Don Henderson | 12 |
01/14/19 | 1/21/19 | Yvon | Construction | Matt Henson | 8 |
01/18/19 | 1/26/19 | Pellerin | Construction | Greg Liening | 16 |
01/19/19 | 1/24/19 | Sobier | Chickens | Dale Clem | 6 |
01/20/19 | 2/2/19 | Petit Goave | Medical | Caroline Hazlett | 13 |
01/21/19 | 1/27/19 | Petit Goave | Project Assessment | HPUMC Sr Pastor | 4 |
01/25/19 | 2/1/19 | Mellier | Water | Erin Jackson | 6 |
02/03/19 | 2/9/19 | Petionville | Mobile Medical | Beverly Dinnel | 12 |
02/07/19 | 2/11/19 | Yvon | Dental | Peter Green | 9 |
02/12/19 | 2/22/19 | Petionville | Construction | Jack Martin | 17 |
02/17/19 | 2/22/19 | Thomassin | Construction | Erby Duverne | 8 |
02/17/19 | 2/24/19 | Petit Goave | Education | Rudy Ehrenberg | |
02/17/19 | 2/24/19 | Petit Goave | Medical | Cipra | |
02/20/19 | 2/27/19 | Petionville | Assessment | Mike Willis | 1 |
02/22/19 | 3/8/19 | Jeremie | Construction Medical | Phillips | 12 |
03/08/19 | 3/15/19 | Jeremie | Assessment | Phillips | 2 |
02/24/19 | 2/27/19 | Petionville | Assessment | Sheree Reece | 1 |
02/25/19 | 3/4/19 | Furcy | |||
03/08/19 | 3/13/19 | Jodi Crimmel | |||
03/08/19 | 3/17/19 | Sobier | Construction | Todd Erlanson | |
3/10/2019 | 3/23/19 | Petit Goave | Medical | Caroline Hazlett | |
3/30/2019 | 4/6/19 | Petit Goave | Construction | Rudy Ehrenberg | |
4/1/2019 | 4/11/19 | Jeremie | Assessment | Debi Phillips | 2 |
04/06/19 | 4/16/19 | Furcy | Britanny | ||
05/07/19 | 5/9/19 | Dame Marie | Project Assessment | Carmen Zeigler | 1 |
05/10/19 | 5/16/19 | Petionville | Round Table | Carmen Zeigler | 1 |
05/13/19 | 5/16/19 | Petionville | Round Table | Sheree Reece | 3 |
05/28/19 | 6/07/19 | Jeremie | Construction | Debi Phillips | 12 |
06/08/19 | 6/14/19 | Leon | Construction | Debi Phillips | 12 |
05/28/19 | 6/14/19 | Leon | Mobile Medical | Debi Phillips | |
6/2/2019 | 6/15/19 | Petit Goave | Medical | Caroline Hazlett | |
06/02/19 | 6/6/19 | Community Development | Jodi Crimmel | 1 | |
6/8/2019 | 6/15/19 | Petit Goave | Construction | Rudy Ehrenberg | |
06/21/19 | 6/27/19 | Petionville | Construction | Wade McGuinn | 6 |
06/24/19 | 6/29/19 | Sobier | Project Planning | Matt Hensen | 1 |
07/07/19 | 7/14/19 | Petit Goave | Community Development | Jill Cipra | 6 |
7/9/2019 | 7/16/19 | Furcy | Youth | ||
8/1/2019 | 8/9/19 | Pignon | Various | ||
8/18/2019 | 8/24/19 | Trinidad | MCCA Training | David and Brulan | |
08/26/19 | 09/6/19 | Mike Willis | 1 | ||
08/28/19 | 09/12/19 | Port Bonheur | Least of These | Larry Thompson | 1 |
09/06/19 | 09/11/19 | Source A Phillipe | Solar Panels | Chris Lowe | 3 |
09/07/19 | 9/15/19 | Dondon | VBS | Tom Sperl | 8 |
09/21/19 | 9/28/19 | Jacmel | Project Development | Jodi Crimmel | 1 |
10/04/19 | 10/11/19 | Petit Goave | Medical | Rudy Ehrenberg | |
10/19/19 | 10/27/19 | Petit Goave | Eye Clinic | HPUMC | |
10/23/19 | 11/1/19 | Source Phillipe | Medical | Darlene Runaldue | 9 |
10/29/19 | 11/07/19 | Jeremie | Midwife Training | Hearts for Haiti/Jeremie Haiti Project | 4 |
10/29/19 | 11/07/19 | Dame Marie | Pastor Training | Karl Zeiglar | 2 |
11/04/19 | 11/06/19 | Yvon | Dental | Susan Prosapio | |
11/07/19 | 11/12/19 | Sobiere | Medical | Susan Prosapio | |
11/12/19 | 11/19/19 | Hermitage | Community Development | Mike Willis | |
11/15/19 | 11/22/19 | Leon | Ministry Center | Mike Willis |