The rebuilding of the roof at Roseaux is a story worth telling.
A group of men from Port au Prince drove to the area affected by Hurricane Matthew. They were not affiliated with Eglise Methodiste but as the drove to Jeremie they noticed the Roseaux Church which sits right at the edge of the road. They stopped and said to the local people “it looks like that church could use some help.
They then proceeded to drive into Jeremie and purchased materials. They returned to Roseaux and for several days replaced the rafters and roof.
Truly an outpouring of Christian action. They also replaced several more roofs in Jeremie proper.
The congregation has been struggling to finish additional repairs without asking for assistance.
The remaining repairs consist of replacing doors, windows and pews.
Visiting teams would stay at the Jeremie Guesthouse with a one half hour commute.