Potable Water for Gebeau Medical Clinic

Under a grant from UMCOR, a new water kiosk is being built at the Gebeau Facility. The water supply is from an existing well and a new pump.

Up to 10,000 gallons per day of water will be pumped through a VF-500 0.1-micron absolute water filter supplied by Business Connect International. It eliminates bacteria, protozoa, and cysts to 99.99999% (Log 7) potable water.

The water is stored in a tank on the roof of the water kiosk. The water will be supplied to the Gebeau Medical clinic. For the first time, clean water will be supplied to the medical staff for washing their hands and equipment. Ddditional lines will provide potable water for the Eye Clinic, the Tuberculosis ward, and the bakery.

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Eglise Methodiste d' Haiti