Mobile Medical Clinics

Many of Haiti’s poor, especially in remote rural areas lack access to fundamental medical care.
Some people lack transportation to go to medical clinics in urban areas. And many common diseases go undiagnosed and untreated.

One solution is mobile medical clinics that take medical care to the people.
Teams of medical personnel are needed to travel to remote areas and assess medical problems for referral to larger clinics or to treat simple maladies at the site. Follow-up for chronic conditions becomes a significant issue and teams should be aware of the need for remedial care, especially for diabetes and hypertension which are quite common.

Normally a team of medical people will hire a local Haitian doctor or nurse to accompany the team.
Sophisticated diagnostic equipment is generally not available and physicians must rely on simple clinical diagnosis.
Some medications are purchased in country to support the local economy but some medications must be purchased prior to the trip and brought in-country with the team.

The Eglise Methodiste Health Committee is available for assistance in planning. procurement of medications, and consulting.

Circuit Item Description Budget Team Comments
Leon Mobile Medical Clinic Despagnes Hearts for Haiti
Petit Goave StaffMedical Clinic Siloe Highland Park UMC
Petit Goave Mobile Medical Clinic TBD Highland Park UMC
Miragone Yvon/Sobier TBD Susan Prosapio

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Eglise Methodiste d' Haiti